Donnerstag, 15. Januar 2009

Israel and Palestine the struggle for existence

A lot of people out there, who are less informed , have been led by the mainstream news media into believing that the problem in Gaza is the firing of rockets by Hamas militants. The other time I came across the sort of comments that CNN and Co. happily broadcast, a viewer observed irritatingly "Hamas should stop firing rockets and the problem will end......" It sounds as if the Palestinians have been living a happy and DIGNIFIED life and then all of a sudden Hamas militants started firing rockets and all hell broke lose. It also portray the Hamas as a group of violent extremist who have nothing else to do but to look for trouble. Unfortunately that was not the case. The problem is and has always been Israel's determination to annihilate the whole Palestinian territories as defined in the very UN resolution that created Israel, wrongly in the first place, by any means necessary. In my opinion, the Hamas militants have two choices either they stop fighting unconditionally and continue living in ghettos under USA-sponsored Israeli occupation and oppression worst than the Apatheid era in South Africa, and eventually die slowly or end up in the Israeli jails without any form of arbitration. On the other hand, they can continue fighting and die fighting for a just course. In the history of human struggle for a dignified life, its been proven time after time that people prefer death with dignity to living under constant humiliation. History will Judge.