Mittwoch, 1. Juli 2009

Michael Jackson, a blackman's hero?

Since the death Michael Jackson, "the king of pop", I have come to the realisation that the best and most important of loves is self-love. The amount of love and passion shown by Michael's fans is overwhelming. I dont think any celebrity can generate that kind of passion in his followers. In fact any pop star in this world, dead or alive, will be envious. Yet all this amount to nothing since MJ never loved himself.
Specialist desribed Michael's obsession to change his appearance, and subsequently the colour of his skin, as a medical condition whereby one looks into the mirror and hates what he sees (his image). It makes me laugh when I see the so called activist like Al Sharpton touting the man as a black hero. There is no doubt about MJ's musical and dancing genius, but a black people's hero he was not, so cut it Al Sharpton. Michael Jackson hated anything about himself simply because he was born a blackman. Many of you out there will be quick to come out with excuses like, the pressure and lack of opprtunity for black artist when he was growing up, his determination to break into the white american market. Nice, but can anyone explain the looks of his (so-called) kids? This is someone who hates what he was so much so that he wasn't ready to pass his own genetics to his offsprings. Guess what, because they will look like what he hated in him. He wasn't even ready to settle for mixed race, NO. He wanted his kids to look like what he had aspired to be all his life, a whiteman. So he went for a blue eyes, blond whiteman's semen and whitewoman's egg to create his ideal kids. And the funny thing about all these was , he was so convinced that he was a whiteman and that the world would believe the kids were his blood.
Well MJ you have had an amazing career and life but you have also taught us a life lesson. We should never try to change what we are. And most importantly we should always love ourselves, no matter how we look and what others perceived of us.
None the less RIP MJ, you will be missed for what you were a musical genius despite all your mistakes.

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